HSD (House of Self Discovery) is a place of specialized ministry in the areas of pastoral care, counseling, contemplative prayer, spiritual formation/direction and education. HSD mainly focuses on pastoral/spiritual care and counseling for individuals, couples, and their families. HSD is a pastoral care ministry of HSD Ministries, Inc., and the care is provided through the support of Mustard Seed Church, and other partners.


To provide a nurturing, empowering, and liberating fellowship through methods of integrating pastoral care, pastoral psychotherapy, and the arts. Being associated with the intersection of spirituality and health, HSD’s goal is to help enable people’s self-discovery as well as fulfillment of their potential so that they may grow even in the midst of suffering.

The specialized ministry of HSD are found in six main areas:

  1. pastoral care and counseling for individuals, couples, and families
  2. spiritual retreat, contemplative prayer, Christ centered mindfulness
  3. education for self-discovery and peace of mind
  4. support group
  5. healing through the arts, humanities, and spirituality.
  6. research in the areas of theological anthropology and pastoral theology;
    integration of spirituality and health